Reference for Chris Quinn from Chris Chimene

When I first saw Chris Quinn play guitar I knew that he was a different type of player. Most people just want to jam out their favorite tunes and have a great time. Chris on the other hand wanted to know the instrument in a way that only the greatest of players comprehend. After being brilliantly instructed by Mr. John Rahya I took up the task of helping Chris pick up where he left off. After a year Chris showed the most aggressive progress of any student I've ever taught. His progress was so impressive that now he is nearly equal to my abilities as a guitarist in both skill and knowledge. With that being said Chris has my full support and recommendation to teach guitar at any level he personally desires to teach at. I've personally talked and played with nearly a thousand guitarists and I can honestly say that Chris Quinn is the most knowledgeable and one of the most skilled guitarists under the age of 20 that I have met.

-Chris Chimene

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